Beni Solow Award a Beba Verna

postato su 30 Giugno 2005

Beni Solow Award a Beba Verna

19 Novembre 2005
Cari amici della SIBOS � con soddisfazione e con orgoglio che diamo notizia dell�assegnazione del �Beni Solow Award� alla nostra amica, socia, collega e connazionale Prof.ssa Carlalberta Verna, per noi semplicemente Beba. Prima di riportarvi notizie pi� precise inerenti il premio vi rammento che la Verna non � nuova a tali imprese, infatti ha vinto in precedenza anche il Premio Nazionale SIDO e lo Houston Award. Al momento non c�� ricercatore od altro ortodontista italiano che abbia fatto meglio e, come ho gi� avuto modo di dire altrove, per noi � un onore oltre che un piacere avere Beba in SIBOS, come iscritta e come portatrice del Suo sapere ogni volta che lo vorr�.
Grazie Beba.
G. Fiorentino (qui di seguito i dettagli)
Verna C, Dalstra M, Lee TC, Cattaneo PM, Melsen B.
Microcracks in the alveolar bone following orthodontic tooth movement: a morphologiocal and morphometric study.
European Journal of Orthodontics 26 (2004) 459-467.
Beni Solow Award
Following the death of Beni Solow, an award was instigated to honour his
outstanding work for the European Journal of Orthodontics as a member of the
editorial board, referee and author.
All papers published in the EJO during the preceding year are eligible. The
Editorial Board of the EJO undertakes selection and the winner is announced
at the annual Congress.
Evaluation of articles:
In december of each year all members of the editorial board (excl. Editor
and Associate Editors) are provided with a list of all papers published in
the journal in that year.
The are asked to select 10 articles that should be considered for the award.
The Editorial Board are not permitted to select any article in which they
are listed as an author.
The marks are collated and a list is compiled of the 10 articles that
receive the most marks.
A second list is sent to the Editorial Board and they are asked to score
with a mark of between 1 and 5 (with 5 being the highest)each of the 6
– relevance
– originality
– methodology
– presentation of results
– discussion
– impact
The marks are then ranked by the Editor an checked.
Dr. Giuseppe Fiorentino