Register for the first time or renewal

SIBOS 2024 membership fee

SIBOS 2024 membership fee for medical doctors and dentists is €100.
Specialty residents and recent graduates within the third year after graduation can benefit from the reduced fee of €50. Once registration is complete, those entitled will upload residency or degree certificate through the reserved area.
SIBOS 2024 membership fee expires 31st of December 2024, regardless of the period in which it is renewed, and it is valid only for 2024.
SIBOS courses are reserved for members: for this reason membership fee is mandatory to access to the courses.


Methods of payment for membership fee and courses

You can pay by credit/debit card or PayPal account.


Type of fiscal document issued
Following payment of the membership fee, SIBOS will issue only a receipt and not a tax invoice.
All SIBOS tax documents may be addressed exclusively to the member, that must be a medical doctor or dentist in possession of a regular degree; tax documents cannot be issued for undergraduate students, associated offices or companies (snc, srl …).
Payment receipt is not subject to VAT and it is not included in the electronic invoice system: for this reason certified email address, recipient code and VAT number will not be asked upon registration.
The payment receipts will be available in the reserved area.


It is not possible to request a refund of the membership fee, not even in the form of a credit for the following year.
If you are unable to participate in an in-person course, you can request a refund within 15 days of the course date by sending an email to Any request after the deadline indicated above cannot be taken into consideration for organizational reasons.
Variable commissions may be applied to the refund at the discretion of your credit institution.


The receipts are available in the reserved area.